Stainless steel mixing tank 1035 litres - insulated - weighing cells

Product: | Stainless Steel Tank |
Product No.: | 3.8A4142 |
Status: | Used |
Location: | Swifterbant |
Delivery time: | In stock |
1x Stainless Steel Tank, Kuipers Woudsend, volume 1.035 litres, Jongia JDR 0.5/6 agitator with V-propeller 170 mm Ø, 0.37 kW drive, 460 rpm, tank made of stainless steel 304 (EN 1.4301), design temperature 0-60 °C, side wall and bottom insulated and hermetically finished with stainless steel jacket, tank is equipped with a nozzle for cip cleaning, on top an inspection hatch of 290 mm Ø, a 35 mm Ø filler pipe with dairy thread and 2 lifting eyes, the tank has an asymmetrical cone, outlet with 50 mm Ø butterfly valve, the tank stands on 3 stainless steel legs with weighing cells, dimensions 110 cm Ø x 293 cm high (total height), used in the food industry

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