Process tank 800 litre – mixer - jacket +5 bar - insulation

Product: | Stainless Steel Tank |
Product No.: | 3.8A3543 |
Status: | Used |
Location: | Swifterbant |
Delivery time: | In stock |
1x Stainless Steel Tank, Fimatec Lahti Finland, 800 liter, mixer with serrated propeller, 2.2 kW SEW drive, 349 rpm, made of stainless steel 316 (EN 1.4401), design pressure vessel 0 bar, design temperature vessel -10/110 °C, jacketed conical bottom for cooling/heating (max. design pressure +5 bar, design temperature -25/110 °C, side wall and bottom insulated and finished with stainless steel jacket, 4 spray balls for cip cleaning inside the tank, free standing on 3 legs, incl. 3 load cells and weighing controller with display, dimensions 120 cm Ø x 215 cm high incl. mixer drive, used in the pharmaceutical industry

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